Headline of Paper: Times New Roman, 12 puntos (bold)
Writer(s): Title, name-surname (bold)
Institution/ contact info: Institution, e-mail adress, ORCID
Page format: 3 cm top, 3 cm left, 2,5 cm right, 2,5 cm end
Abstract: Times New Roman, 12 puntos, single (1) line spacing, at least 250 words. The aim, method and result information should be included in the summary. At least 3 keywords should be included under the abstracts. At least 3 JEL classifications should also be given for related field studies. All papers to be sent in Turkish must also include an English abstract (minimum 150 words).
Abstracts prepared in accordance with the abstract paper writing rules should be sent by e-mail to 2023usbk@gmail.com.
Full Paper Writing Rules
The English abstracts to be included in the full texts should consist of minimum 150 and maximum 250 words. The abstracts should include purpose, method and result information. At the bottom of the abstracts, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords and at least 3 JEL classification numbers should be given.
Articles should be prepared in MS Office Word program and in "Times New Roman" font. The main text should be 12 pt, the beginning of the paragraph should be left aligned, the spacing should be 6 pt first and then 0 pt, line spacing should be 1.5 lines.
The full text should be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 pages, including appendices and bibliography.
All pages should be in A4 layout, margins; top 3 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, left 3 cm.
Number should not be used for intro section. All headings in the text 1., 1.1., 1.1.2. should be numbered. First level headings should be given in 11 points and bold. Headings and texts should be left justified, and there should be 6 pt spacing between headings and text and paragraphs.
Tables and figures used in the text should be given titles and sequence numbers. Headings should be placed above tables and graphics. Only the first letter of the table/figure/graphic titles should be capitalized and should be centered with 10 points. If any, the equations should be in the middle of the page and each equation should be given a sequence number. Sequence numbers of the equations should be aligned to the right of the page and in parentheses.
All text should be edited according to APA reference rules. In-text citations should be in the form of citation (author/author(s) surname, year of work, page number) (Giddens, 2000:12). In references with three or more authors, the surname of the first author, etc., should be arranged as the source and page number (Giddens et al., 2000: 12). For APA reference examples, you can check https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples.